CYF 2022
CYF 2022
CYF 2022
CYF 2022
CYF 2022
CYF 2022
CYF 2022
CYF 2022
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On Saturday, the 1st of October 2022, we transformed our youth forum into a Social Impact Festival.

#CYF 2022
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CYF 2022

The CYF is under the patronage of the

Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO 

Quick facts about the CYF 2022:

Students & young professionals registered for CYF '22
300 +
Different nationalities were represented among registrants
Free sessions, panel discussions & interactive workshops were hosted
0 +
Most popular age group (60% of registrants)
18- 24 yrs

CYF 22

You can still access the full program here:

On Saturday, the 1st of October 2022, we transformed our annual youth forum into a Social Impact Festival. It was designed with young people in mind, and the day was packed with various activities. We hosted 20+ diverse speakers, panelists, workshop facilitators and performers.

The highlights for CYF 2022 are shared under the headings below – click/tap to jump straight to a section.

1. Plenary Sessions + Keynotes

The plenary sessions of the Changemakers Youth Forum was hosted by Ms Dorina Dula, President of AIESEC in Hungary. After welcoming everybody, she enthusiastically set the scene by informing attendees on what to expect throughout the day. Ms Dula further elaborated on the three thematic areas for this year’s forum, namely: (1) Mental Health, (2) Diversity and Inclusion, and (3) Youth Participation and Leadership.

Opening Remarks

Change is something that is not only inevitable, it is also something that is necessary! Mr Craig V. Johnson, Chairperson of the Changemakers Youth Forum (CYF), officially opened the forum with this statement. He mentioned that history proves that young people have a huge role to play when it comes to driving positive change – something that should improve the lives of people and the planet that we all live on.


Mr Johnson then went on to explain what makes the CYF special. In short, it exists to co-create a youth-led ecosystem where each contributor is genuinely motivated (1) to think together, (2) to collectively solve social and environmental problems together, and (3) to build a truly supportive Changemaker Community together.

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tommassich

President of Hungarian Diplomatic Academy

Ambassador Katalin Bogyay

Diplomat, President of the United Nations Association of Hungary.

Krisztián Kölkedi

Then, Deputy-CEO of Express Innovation Agency

  • Ambassador Katalin remarked in her speech that “more of the young generation needed to be heard in the UN while also leveraging on the wisdom of the older generation.” She also added that young people reported that age barriers still prevailed in areas of employment and political movements.


  • Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tommassich rightfully highlighted that luck is nothing more than when opportunity meeting preparedness. She explained that in any given circumstances, young people needed to take a proactive approach to their lives and career.


  • Krisztián Kölkedi remarked that “young people focused too much on the problem and complained too much about it. This meant that they could miss creative solutions and opportunities to solve it.” His message being that young people should embrace a more solutions-based mindset to see problems as a challenge to overcome.

Ambassador Katalin Bogyay

Diplomat, President of the United Nations Association of Hungary.

Ambassador Katalin remarked in her speech that “more of the young generation needed to be heard in the UN while also leveraging on the wisdom of the older generation.” She also added that young people reported that age barriers still prevailed in areas of employment and political movements.

Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tommassich

President of Hungarian Diplomatic Academy

Dr. Orsolya Pacsay-Tommassich rightfully highlighted that luck is nothing more than when opportunity meeting preparedness. She explained that in any given circumstances, young people needed to take a proactive approach to their lives and career.

Krisztián Kölkedi

Then, Deputy-CEO of Express Innovation Agency


Krisztián Kölkedi remarked that “young people focused too much on the problem and complained too much about it. This meant that they could miss creative solutions and opportunities to solve it.” His message being that young people should embrace a more solutions-based mindset to see problems as a challenge to overcome.

Closing Remarks

The closing remarks for the opening plenary were delivered by Dr Judit Beke, Editor-in-Chief of the GiLE Journal of Skills Development (GJSD).

Dr Beke noted that younger and older generations should collaborate to achieve their common goals, and that young changemakers, social entrepreneurs and social innovators play a crucial role in making changes happen

2. Panel Discussions & World Cafe
Throughout the day, we hosted several interactive panel discussions and a world cafe that was both thought-provoking and empowering for young people in attendance.
Staying true to our thematic areas of the forum, we hosted special sessions on (1) diversity and inclusion, (2) youth participation and leadership, and (3) mental health. However, we also made room for sessions to unpack creativity and innovation in a separate panel discussion, as well as (youth) leadership in a fireside chat.
Here are some highlights:

This panel discussion shed light on the current state of diversity & inclusion in Hungary. It involved a conversation about women empowerment, the LGBTQ+ community, and the increasing ratio of international employees in the business sector.


Panelists spoke about current problems, trends, expectations, and how diversity and inclusion will change or develop in the future.


Dorka Szekér – Vice President of AIESEC in Hungary (moderator)

German Henao Publicis Groupe Hungary

Arthur Andrade Tata Consultancy Services

Gábor CséffalvayFLOW Consulting International

What does meaningful youth participation look like nowadays? How can we best nurture the next generation of leaders and innovators? And how can we re-imagine the role of the United Nations to support youth engagement efforts and capacity building?


During this interactive world cafe session, we managed to gain valuable insights from young people, which will look forward to sharing in our Social Impact Report 2022.

World Cafe Facilitators: 

Sean Sharma – President of International Diplomatic Students Association (Host)

Shivaan Munnisunker – GiLE Foundation

Noemi Papp – Erasmus Students Network Hungary

Norbert BenczeAssociation of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students (DOSZ)

Bogi Boda – AIESEC in Hungary

This panel discussion revealed that more needs to be done to address mental health, and that it is something that is not only the responsibility of the individual, but the responsibility of the community, universities, workplaces, government, and organisations.
On the one hand, universities do provide mental health support. However, on the other, young people need assistance to develop a better work-life-balance and more effective coping mechanisms.


Balázs Krabácz President, Erasmus Students Network Hungary

Diego Andrade Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students (DOSZ)

Anja Fortuna Youth Health Organisation

Éva Grünwald Psychologist and Diplomat (MFA, Hungary)

During this panel discussion, we discussed what young people can do to unlock their creativity and innovation. We explored how entrepreneurship can also be used as a tool to solve social and environmental challenges, and also unpacked the current struggles and trends among young (aspiring) entrepreneurs.


The panel was hosted by the MOME Innovation Center, where Craig V. Johnson, Chair of the Forum, also Heads the MOME Incubation Program to support young creative talent in Hungary.


Craig V. Johnson – Chair of the Forum (moderator)
Krisztián Kölkedi – Deputy-CEO, Express Innovation Agency

Tamas Méri– Co-Founder, Access4You

Today’s leaders must possess qualities like creativity, resilience, agility, focus, and trust. These qualities, together with their relevance to young leaders specifically, were unpacked during this fireside chat.


We also presented a unique model of CRAFT Leadership that provides practical guidance and reflection tools for experienced leaders to stay sharp, and for leadership candidates to become future leaders.


Stacey Marais – GiLE Foundation (moderator)

Beata Kalmár – Coach & Author of CRAFT Leadership

3. Changemakers Impact Award
We successfully launched our Changemakers Impact Award to recognise and celebrate young people who are making a positive social impact in their local community in Hungary. It is a collaboration between the GiLE Foundation and the Hungarian National Commission for UNESCO.

There were two separate awards, one for an individual and one for a youth-led organisation. The evaluation criteria was based on the applicant’s (1) concept and idea, (2) the social impact, and (3) how they collaborated with others.


Congratulations to winners:


Youth-led organisation category

Márton Elődi

Individual category award.

4. Live Performances

We successfully created a festival-like atmosphere at our Social Impact Festival, all thanks to memorable performances by:

Ivory Parker

International award-winning beatboxer, DJ & host

Gábor Holcz


Dorka Foster

Artist & Musician

Sárkány Sándor & Pataj György


5. Opportunities Fair

Attendees at the CYF Opportunities Fair were presented with information about available opportunities to volunteer, intern, or otherwise work at NGO’s, youth organisations and companies that are based in Hungary.


The following organisations were present on the day:

AIESEC in Hungary

Amnesty International

Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students (DOSZ

European Law Students' Association (ELSA)

Erasmus Students Network Hungary

GiLE Foundation

International Diplomatic Students Association


Red Cross

Tata Consultancy Services

Youth Health Organisation

6. Skills Development Workshops & Presentation

We offered the following (free) sessions for young people who attended the CYF 2022:

Career Design

Facilitator: Anita Kulcu-Gusztafik, Individual and Team/Group Coach at CityYogi

How To Build An Inclusive Community

Facilitator: Valeriano Donzelli, Inspiral Club

Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace

Maya Fenyvesi, Amnesty International Hungary, and Lujza Andrejcsik, Háttér Society

How to Optimise Your Energy Levels & Motivate Your Team

Facilitators: Beáta Hajde and Kinga Buta, Coaching Team

Psychology & Diplomacy

Facilitator: Éva Grünwald, Psychologist and Diplomat, MFA Hungary

Funding Opportunities of the European Solidarity Corps focusing on solidarity projects (youth initiatives)

Presenter: Andrea Kiss, European Solidarity Corps (Tempus Public Foundation)

The Importance of Youth Political Participation

Presenter: Tamuna Japharidze (Young Ambassador of Georgia to Hungary)

We are always searching for new social responsibility partners, sponsors, funders, collaborators and personal development trainers. If you or your your organisation is in a position to support our youth forum, in any shape or form, then we strongly encourage you to please get in touch with us at:

7. Acknowledgments

Thank you to all the co-creators for the Changemakers Youth Forum (CYF) 2022: GiLE Foundation, AIESEC in Hungary, Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Hungary, and International Diplomatic Student Association (IDSA).

We appreciate the efforts and contributions from each and every organising member who helped to plan and organise our first Social Impact Festival.

Track 2:

Diplomacy &
International Affairs

[1] Find your track. [2] Join our online info session. [3] Apply!

This track provides aspiring diplomats and those interested in international public servants with in-depth knowledge and practical skills essential for a successful career in international relations. Participants will engage in workshops on diplomatic protocol, cultural diplomacy, and science diplomacy, alongside visits to embassies and relevant international organisations. These activities offer hands-on experience and insights into diplomatic practices and international development, helping participants develop the necessary skills and network to excel within international organisations.

Aspiring diplomats – International relations enthusiasts interested in careers in diplomacy, international development, and global cooperation.

International public servants – Students and young professionals interested in pursuing a career at an international organisation like the United Nations, UNESCO, UNHCR, or UNICEF, for example, without necessarily wanting to be a diplomat (i.e.  remaining independent of any single nation’s government). Interests may include advancing global peace, international development, and human rights.

  • Embassies in Hungary
  • International organisations
  • EU agencies
  • United Nations headquarters in Vienna

Track 1:

Civil Society & Public Administration

[1] Find your track. [2] Join our online info session. [3] Apply!

This track equips aspiring public servants and NGO leaders with the skills and knowledge necessary for impactful community work. Participants will attend workshops on introduction to nonprofit management and civic engagement, effective altruism, social innovation, design thinking, community engagement, and fundraising. Additionally, visits to local NGOs and municipalities will provide practical insights into the functioning and challenges of civic organizations. This track aims to foster effective leadership and innovative thinking in addressing social issues.

(Aspiring) public servants – Students and young professionals who work, or aspire to work, in government departments or local municipalities in their country, and who seek to enhance their skills, network, effectiveness in public administration and ability to improve their communities.

(Aspiring) non-profit founders – Passionate individuals interested in creating and leading non-profit organisations focused on addressing social and environmental issues.

Young changemakers and community organisers – Young leaders dedicated to mobilising communities and fostering grassroots movements to drive social change. This includes environmental advocates committed to promoting sustainable practices and policies to combat environmental issues.

  • Local municipalities
  • Established NGOs
  • United Nations headquarters in Vienna

Events, Marketing & Communications

The following roles are currently available:

The role consists of:

  • Manage pre-event planning of events, including assisting with the promotions, logistics, and general management of events, workshops and training courses.
  • Liaise with (strategic) partners, youth networks and key contact persons where relevant.
  • Manage feedback loops and produce post-event evaluations and content to inform future events.


Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • High level of organisational skills
  • Attention to detail;
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
  • Time-management skills
  • Flexible, target-driven, and proactive.

The role consists of:

  • Launch and coordinate fundraising campaigns to support the projects and activities of the organisation.
  • Further develop an internal guideline document that briefly summarises our various types of fundraising techniques.
  • Perform risk management to minimize any risks related to fundraising.
  • Continuously explore creative ways to raise funds, including continuously searching
    for potential donors or fundraising partners.


Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Excellent communication and writing skills,
  • Excellent way of expressing ones thoughts, and having persuasive tactics.
  • Good written and research skills to prepare compelling concept notes to help generate funds.

The role consists of:

  • Assisting with the preparation, promotion and management of scientific conferences (hybrid).
  • Keeping in contact with speakers and presenters.
  • Managing and coordinating event logistics on the day of the event.
  • Producing post-event evaluations and feedback to inform future events.


Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • High level of organisational skills
  • Attention to detail;
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
  • Time-management skills
  • Flexible, target-driven, and proactive.

The role consists of:

  • Assist with the development and constant review of the brand and marketing strategy.
  • Ensure that the organisation’s branding and artwork for all its activities and projects is
    consistent and appropriately aligned with the Brand Standards Guide.
  • Consistently promote the organisation, its projects and its activities in an effective
    and efficient manner, together with a team, through a unified brand voice.

Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Creativity; and attention to details;

Website, Developer &
IT-related roles

The following roles are currently available:

The role consists of:

  • Create custom web experiences with the latest web technologies.
  • Ensure that the website is appealing to the target audience and catches attention.
  • Design accessible web user interfaces (UI), enhance platforms with custom style sheets.


Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Experience with building visually appealing websites from the design standpoint.
  • Experience in using common CMS systems, like WordPress and Drupal.
  • Comfortable with CSS and preferably has a basic understanding of popular web technologies and frameworks.
  • High level understanding of web design concepts, UI principles
  • Basic experience in app UI design (for example the UI builder of Android Studio).

The role consists of:

  • Keep website fully functional at all times, inform colleagues of any expected downtime.
  • Deploy and update WordPress ecosystem components.
  • Make sure the site’s user interface is easily accessible for most users.


Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Thrives in the WordPress ecosystem, is aware of new trends and has a good command of the most popular web technologies (HTML, CSS, Javascript);
  • Has a UX-first mindset, is able to create modern and accessible wireframes/concepts and iterate fast on ideas;
  • Can develop complex webpages using Theme Builders like Elementor or Divi;
  • Has experience in creating webpages with WordPress, using plugins;
  • Is able to provide technical support to all users of the website(s).

Content Creation
& Design

The following roles are currently available:

The role consists of:

  • Produce written or verbal content that is clear and persuasive for our target audience for various platforms in a way that is consistent with our brand strategy and voice (articles, blogs, podcasts, newsletter texts, etc.).

  • Assist with the development of creative ideas and concepts for advertising, social
    media, or crowdfunding  campaigns.

  • Help drive brand consistency across all communication platforms

Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Experience in copywriting for multiple social media campaigns.
  • Creative and curiosity.
  • Ability to collaborate and communicate with team members.
  • High attention to details.
  • Creative copy writing experience an added bonus.

The role consists of:

  • Designing unique marketing material that’s aligned with the creative direction and overall brand of the foundation and its projects.
  • Reviewing final layouts and suggesting improvements where required.
  • Ensure that the overall branding and artwork is maintained appropriately and consistently across all platforms and for all marketing and promotion material.


Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Demonstrable design experience across various platforms with design applications, software and technologies, such as Canva, Quark Xpress, InDesign or Illustrator, and photo-editing software such as Photoshop.
  • A keen eye for aesthetics and details;
  • Ability to translate campaigns into a visual creative direction

The role consists of:

  • Edit professional videos that are creative, engaging, and appropriately designed for our target audience.
  • Continuously discover and implement new editing technologies and industry’s best practices to maximize efficiency.

Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications required, however, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • solid experience with digital technology and editing software packages.
  • creative mind and storytelling skills.

The role consists of:

  • Launch our TikTok platform, grow our audience, and maximise user engagement and growth goals with high performing content.
  • Developing creative video content from scratch/available content
  • Stay on top of recent platform trends and how they could be used to promote the organisation.

Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Experience in making TikTok or short video content creation
  • Creative and curious.
  • High attention to details.

The role consists of:

  • Proof-read and correct documents and texts for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors
  • Verify factual correctness of information (e.g. dates and statistics).
  • Check and adjust text for style, readability, clarity and readability;

Location: This role can be done in Budapest (Hungary) or remotely, from anywhere in the world.

Qualifications: No formal qualifications are required. However, the candidate should have previous demonstrable experience.

Skills and requirements:

  • Familiarity with the proofreading techniques and tools;
  • Attention to details;